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Text File  |  2010-01-05  |  7KB  |  203 lines

  1. alert.applying.setting=Your settings have been saved. Some new settings may not take effect until you restart your browser.
  2. alert.no.locations.found=No locations found matching your search. Please try again.
  3. alert.applying.setting.error=Unknown error in saving the settings.
  4. alert.need.one.location=At least one location is needed.
  5. alert.need.one.condition=The status bar needs to display at least one condition.
  6. weekdays.sun=Sun
  7. weekdays.mon=Mon
  8. weekdays.tue=Tue
  9. weekdays.wed=Wed
  10. weekdays.thu=Thu
  11. weekdays.fri=Fri
  12. weekdays.sat=Sat
  13. fullweekday.now=Now
  14. fullweekday.today=Today
  15. fullweekday.sun=Sunday
  16. fullweekday.mon=Monday
  17. fullweekday.tue=Tuesday
  18. fullweekday.wed=Wednesday
  19. fullweekday.thu=Thursday
  20. fullweekday.fri=Friday
  21. fullweekday.sat=Saturday
  23. condition.sunny=Sunny
  24. condition.clear=Clear
  25. condition.partlycloudy=Partly Cloudy
  26. condition.partlysunny=Partly Sunny
  27. condition.mostlycloudy=Mostly Cloudy
  28. condition.mostlysunny=Mostly Sunny
  29. condition.haze=Haze
  30. condition.breezy=Breezy
  31. condition.fair=Fair
  32. condition.overcast=Overcast
  33. condition.fog=Fog
  34. condition.mist=Mist
  35. condition.drizzle=Drizzle
  36. condition.light=Light
  37. condition.heavy=Heavy
  38. condition.ice=Ice
  39. condition.showers=Showers
  40. condition.rain=Rain
  41. condition.thumderstorm=Thunderstorm
  42. condition.hail=Hail
  43. condition.freezing=Freezing
  44. condition.snow=Snow
  45. condition.pellets=Pellets
  46. condition.windy=Windy
  47. condition.am=AM
  48. condition.pm=PM
  49. condition.partly=Partly
  50. condition.mostly=Mostly
  51. condition.hot=Hot
  52. condition.cold=Cold
  53. condition.hurricane=Hurricane
  55. display.uv=UV
  56. display.pop=PoP
  57. display.humidity=Humidity
  58. display.sunrise=Sunrise
  59. display.sunset=Sunset
  60. display.wind=Wind
  61. display.day=Day
  62. display.night=Night
  63. display.mph=mph
  64. display.kmh=km/h
  66. graph.desc.national=National Forecast
  67. graph.desc.satellite=Satellite Map
  68. graph.desc.radar=Radar Map
  69. graph.desc.uv=UV Index
  70. graph.desc.precipitation=Precipitation Chance
  71. graph.desc.temperature=Temperature
  72. graph.desc.air=Air Quality
  73. graph.desc.alerts=Alerts
  75. ur_weather_ani=Your weather, animated.
  76. download_chrome_addon=Download Chrome Addon
  77. chrome=Chrome
  78. note_for_chrome_user=IMPORTANT NOTE FOR CHROME USERS
  79. download_firefox_addon=Download Firefox Addon
  80. firefox=Firefox
  81. current_version=Current version
  82. features=Features
  83. weather_in_appealing_animations=Weather in appealing animations
  84. over_70000_worldwide_locations=Over 70,000 worldwide locations
  85. switch_locations_in_one_click=Switch locations in one click
  86. realtime_current_condition=Realtime current condition + 5-day forecast
  87. link_to_more_detailed_views_seamlessly=Link to more detailed views seamlessly
  88. lots_of_animation_reports=Lots of graphic/animation reports
  89. easy_1-click_access=Easy 1-click access
  90. customizable_for_your_preferences=Customizable for your preferences
  92. location_existed=The specified location already existed. Please try another one.
  93. confirm_delete_location=Please confirm that you want to delete the following location
  94. deleted_default_location=You have deleted the default location, which has been changed to the first location
  95. not_provided=Not provided
  96. geolocation_data_not_available=Sorry, Geolocation data is not available for your location/browser yet.
  97. welcome_to_aniweather=Welcome to AniWeather!
  98. skip_to_config=Skip to the configuration session
  99. quick_start=Quick Start
  100. condition_overview=Condition overview on the status bar.
  101. move_on_the_icon=Move on the icon to get detailed condition.
  102. click_the_icon=Click the icon to get 5-day forecast
  103. move_on_a_graphic_icon=Move on a graphic icon to view the graphic report.
  104. click_a_graphic_icon=Click a graphic icon to view detailed  report.
  105. preferences=Preferences
  106. units=Units
  107. restart_firefox_for_unit_setting=Note: due to a Firefox bug, you need to restart Firefox to have your unit setting take effect.
  108. temperature=Temperature
  109. wind_speed=Wind Speed
  110. fahrenheit=Fahrenheit (F)
  111. celsius=Celsius (C)
  112. mph=Miles per hour (mph)
  113. kmh=Kilometers per hour (km/h)
  114. locations=Locations
  115. default_location=Default location
  116. add_new_loc=Add new location
  117. choose_loc_to_add=Please choose/confirm the location you want to add
  118. add=Add
  119. detect_my_loc=Detect My Location
  120. search=Searching
  121. cancel=Cancel
  122. del=Delete
  123. mv_up=Move Up
  124. mv_down=Move Down
  125. mk_default=Make Default
  126. default_val_will_be_good_enough=If you are not sure about the effect of the following settings, usually the default values will be good enough. You can always come back to modify these values at any time.
  127. icons=Icons
  128. display_icons_for=Display icons for
  129. current_condition_with=Current condition with
  130. icon=Icon
  131. desc=Description
  132. temp=Temperature
  133. today_con_with=Today condition with
  134. sec_day_con_with=2nd day condition with
  135. third_day_con_with=3rd day condition with
  136. fourth_day_con_with=4th day condition with
  137. fifth_day_con_with=5th day condition with
  138. graphic_only_avail_for_us=The following graphic reports are currently only available for United States.
  139. alerts=Alerts
  140. with_ani=With animation
  141. nat_ov=National Overview
  142. satellite=Satellite
  143. radar=Radar
  144. uv_index=UV Index
  145. precip=Precipitation
  146. air_qua=Air Quality
  147. auto_report=Automatic Report
  148. auto_report_of_cur_con=Automatic report of current condition
  149. never=Never
  150. e_1h=Every 1 hour
  151. e_2h=Every 2 hours
  152. e_3h=Every 3 hours
  153. e_4h=Every 4 hours
  154. e_8h=Every 8 hours
  155. report_cur_con_when_launch=Report current  condition when I launch the browser
  156. appearance=Appearance
  157. icon_disp_pos=Icon display position
  158. m_bar=Menu Bar
  159. nav_bar=Navigation Bar
  160. bm_toolbar=Bookmark Toolbar
  161. s_bar=Status Bar
  162. ins_at_index=Insert at the index
  163. put_ani_at_end=-1 to put AniWeather at the end
  164. wea_ani_size=Weather animation size
  165. tiny_px=Tiny (320px)
  166. small_px=Small (480px)
  167. med_px=Medium (640px)
  168. lg_px=Large (800px)
  169. huge_px=Huge (1000px)
  170. preview_size_4_graphic_reports=Peview  size for graphic reports
  171. tiny_px_2=Tiny (160px)
  172. small_px_2=Small (240px)
  173. med_px_2=Medium (360px)
  174. lg_px_2=Large (480px)
  175. huge_px_2=Huge (640px)
  176. mouse-hov_delay_4_pre_windows=Mouse-hovering delay for preview windows
  177. ms=ms
  178. ani_dis_mode=Animation display mode
  179. standard_hl_temp_wind_hum_pp=Standard (High/Low Temperature, Wind, Humidity, PPCP)
  180. basic_hl_temp=Basic (High/Low Temperature)
  181. bg_fading=Background fading
  182. fading_out_ratio=Fading out ratio
  183. fading_out_color=Fading out color
  184. black=Black
  185. red=Red
  186. green=Green
  187. blue=Blue
  188. orange=Orange
  189. purple=Purple
  190. pink=Pink
  191. brown=Brown
  192. cac=Activate Cross-Addon-Compability (CAC) mode in order to be compatible with other add-ons. For the best performance, switch on this option only when you are using
  193. flash_block=FlashBlock
  194. or=or
  195. no_script=NoScript
  196. pl_add_2_to_whitelist=Please add "aniweather.com" and "aniweather.s3.amazonaws.com" to your whitelist.
  197. use_cac=Use Cross-Addon-Compability (CAC) mode
  198. ok=OK
  200. config.rename=Rename
  201. config.confirm=Confirm
  202. config.cancel=Cancel